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Výsledky vyhledávání pro: conclusion

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Projektů 11 | Str. 1 / 1

Uni / Název projektu Kvalita
Linklater, Andrew: Marxism
78,4 %
Behavioralism - Sorting Through the Wealth of Notions
78,5 %
Three cultures of anarchy
78,5 %
Cooperation and international regimes
78,6 %
Helpful phrases for a presentation
80,1 %
Burchill: Green Politics
80,3 %
Collier P., Hoeffler A. - Greed and grievance in civil war
81,3 %
John J. Mearsheimer - Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War
83,4 %
Steven Bernstein - The compromise of liberal environmentalism
88,1 %
The Big Chill: The WTO and Multilateral Environmental Agreements
89,2 %
Critically assess whether European Union social policy can be characterised as Europeanised. Provide evidence and examples drawn from E. U. social policy areas to support your asse
92,1 %

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