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Výsledky vyhledávání pro: conclusion

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Projektů 11 | Str. 1 / 1

Uni / Název projektu Kvalita
Critically assess whether European Union social policy can be characterised as Europeanised. Provide evidence and examples drawn from E. U. social policy areas to support your asse
92,1 %
The Big Chill: The WTO and Multilateral Environmental Agreements
89,2 %
Steven Bernstein - The compromise of liberal environmentalism
88,1 %
John J. Mearsheimer - Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War
83,4 %
Collier P., Hoeffler A. - Greed and grievance in civil war
81,3 %
Burchill: Green Politics
80,3 %
Helpful phrases for a presentation
80,1 %
Cooperation and international regimes
78,6 %
Behavioralism - Sorting Through the Wealth of Notions
78,5 %
Three cultures of anarchy
78,5 %
Linklater, Andrew: Marxism
78,4 %

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