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Studijní materiál: Liberalism: Mittrany - A working peace system.

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THE GENERAL PROBLEM = political task
- LN = ineffective and inadequate to promote peaceful development
- failure of the League of Nations has turned to the idea of international federations - but accoding to Mittrany is not practicable even in British Empire (impossible to have equality of all citizens)
- federal units would leave world still devided
- unity is possible only through the world state or through functional evolution
trend from rights (19th century written constitutions, LN continued in that tradition) to services (20th social rather that cultural rights + nacionalism)

Mittrany tries to provide arguments for functional development of international organization.

Criteria of federation can be only geographical or ideological
Defects of:
• continantal unions: no real unity - bring peace within but not without (Problems with states´ interaction would be only transfered to the higher level of federations´ interactions) => world devided into closed territorial units on new scale
• ideological unions: doubtful unity - there could not be country of one mind (e.g. democracy is not the same for social as for political democrats => political forms are not constant .. democratic face confused with democratic performance; ideologic exclusivism
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